Our Mission / Nuestra Mision /Nhiệm vụ của chúng ta

Christ our Savior Parish welcomes you to discover who you are, know that you belong to God and find your calling.

 La Parroquia de Cristo Nuestro Salvador te da la bienvenida para que descubras quién eres, sepas que perteneces a Dios y encuentres tu llamado.

Giáo xứ Chúa Kitô Cứu Thế chào mừng bạn đến để khám phá bản thân, để biết mình thuộc về Thiên Chúa và rồi nhận ra ơn gọi của chính mình.


Please check Our latest Parish Bulletin, (click here)

Por favor mire nuestros boletines parroquiales



First Communions and Confirmation Registration Dates

Fechas para Registraciones para Primera Comunión y Confirmación


Have you made your pledge yet? Han hecho su promesa? Bạn đã thực hiện cam kết của mình chưa?

Cristo Nuestra Fundacion – Nuestra Esperanza – Nuestra Salvacion
Christ Our Foundation – Christ Our Hope – Christ Our Savior

Normal Mass Schedule

Vigil Masses on Saturday

5:00 pm – English

7:00pm – Spanish / Español

Sunday Masses

8:30 AM – English
10:30 AM – Spanish / Español
12:30 PM – Vietnamese

12:00 PM –American Sign Language (old worship space)

5:00 pm — English

Weekly Masses

Monday thru Saturday
8:00 AM – English
(Mass is preceded by Morning Prayer at 7:45 AM)

First Friday of the Month
7:00 PM – Spanish / Español

Events & Announcements

Class for Infant Baptisms / Classes para los bautizos de Infantes

Classes are held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Please register for class calling the Parish Office at 714 444-1500.

Las clases son el primer miércoles del mes a las 7:00 pm. Por favor registrese para las classes llamando al 714 444-1500.

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Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento

You are invited to spend some time with the presence of the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday of the month. Our day of worship begins after the 8:00 am Mass in English and continues throughout the day, concluding with the 7:00 pm Mass in Spanish.

Estan invitados a compartir de su tiempo en la presencia del Santísimo Sacramento cada primer viernes del mes. Nuestro día de adoración empieza después de la Misa de 8:00 am y continua a través del día. Concluye con la Misa de 7:00 pm en español.

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Supplemental Study of Sunday Lectionary Scriptures provided by Deacon Tom

Biblical Study related to the Scripture passages of the Sunday Lectionary Readings focusing on the Liturgy of the Word for the following Sunday. By reflecting on the inspired Word of God we see how God speaks to us in the various passages of the Bible. In the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, we hear selected passages from Scripture where God imparts His Wisdom on how to live our Spiritual Lives.

If you’d like to learn more about the Sunday readings, please leave a message for Deacon Tom at the parish office. He will include you in his email list for the periodic distribution of the basic materials. 

New Building Project

How to Find Us

Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish

2000 & 2002 West Alton Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92704

Telephone: (714) 444-1500

Click here for directions 

Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish